Downs Junior School

Starting as a case study for a masters degree in education, completed by previous EHW director James, Downs Junior was the first school that we partnered with. We worked full time with this unique and forward thinking school for two years implementing after school clubs and alternative provision interventions throughout the school week.

By harnessing the income from their out of school hours services and available funding our partnership with Downs has enabled us to provide the school with two members of highly qualified staff. These staff have successfully implemented a popular and exciting after school adventure club and bespoke outdoor interventions for identified student groups. Once the programmes were fully established we were able to hand back running of these successful programmes to the school to keep them financial sustainable and quality assured in house.

Working with The Peak Adventure, we have found them to be professional and accommodating with the best interest of the pupils being the key to decisions being made. This reflects on their being set up as a Community Interest Company, as profit making does not exist as a core driver. Children’s feedback has also indicated that they feel better within themselves for having taken part.
— Head Teacher, Downs Junior High School

"It's made me more interested in nature."

“It's good to be with other children from younger groups."

"I like to make my own games in nature."

"Using a flint and still was so hard but then I got the right angle and got it first time."

“It was like a break in case you were fizzy or something. It made me happy when I did it. I want to do it again."

"It's really good because we get to play loads of games and sometimes we make our own games."

“It's interactive - we play team building games."

"It's always a really big event if you find something like a big worm."

"I love every single thing. We learn new skills."

"Me and my family are going to go camping soon - I might be able to use my wood skills."

— Students from Downs